Deaf Week 2013

20 September 2013

Every year deaf communities around the world celebrated Deaf Week or the International Day of Deaf People, usually around the last weekend in September. This year the Cambodian deaf community celebrated during the third week of September. At the DDP offices in Phnom Penh, a different activity was held every day.


A goal this year was to have some activity for each day of Deaf Week. Not all of them would attract large numbers of people, but the variety might appeal to different people who are not interested in sports or some of the more popular offerings.
Art activity

The activity today was an art activity in which the deaf people were encouraged to express themselves.
Art activity for deaf people

Art activity for deaf people
Visual arts are especially appropriate for deaf people, sometimes referred to as "eye people," so a drawing exercise had a certain appeal to it.

Art activity for deaf people
One of the nice things about an art activity is that everyone can participate. Whatever the differences in their backgrounds or education or experiences, all the deaf youth have images in their minds to be transferred to paper.

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